What is 3DEXPERIENCE Works?
It’s a cloud-based solution portfolio that transforms the way you bring products to market and create differentiated customer experiences. 3DEXPERIENCE® Works connects your development process from design through manufacturing to customer engagement in one interactive and collaborative environment.
Use the following resources learn how to collaborate, design and manage your products with 3DEXPERIENCE Works.
Collaboration and Data Management
3DEXPERIENCE Works PDM is your base of operations serving as a cloud-based launching point for all things product development and beyond – meaning access from anywhere, at any time and on any device. Learn how this foundation enables you to connect processes and stakeholders across your organization efficiently.
Cloud-connected & Cloud-based Design Tools
3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS enables teams to act wherever, whenever inspiration strikes. Even better, 3DEXPERIENCE Works opens up new workflow approaches with 3D Creator, and the power of freeform sub-divisional modeling with 3D Sculptor. Watch these capabilities in action:
3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation
Advanced Simulation Tools
Perform any structural analysis tasks with confidence, from the simplest linear static analysis to the most complex nonlinear drop test and impact analyses, by leveraging the built-in market-proven Abaqus solver.
Use the resource below to learn more about 3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation:
DELMIA | Works
Automation & ERP / MES Tools
DELMIA | Works provides manufacturers with a reliable ERP system for planning, scheduling, executing, and measuring results. Use the resources below to learn more:

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides a Safe, Social, Connected, Informed and Structured environment for team leaders, project managers and other professionals who want to manage data on the cloud and collaborate without constraints.
Safe: Customer controlled access. Transparent cloud backup. Encrypted communication protocols. Data always safe—no overwrite, no loss of data.
Social: Integrated structured and unstructured collaboration tools enabling social innovation. Collaborate on product design or engage with your stakeholders early in product development.
Connected: Every user always connected to a single, common database. Access data anywhere, anytime, on any device. Review and markup models.
Informed: Choose from the widget library, Create and share Dashboards. Get the latest information about your product development. Always have access to your latest data.
Structured: Zero overhead data management - store and manage data across collaborative spaces, share information in communities. Find indexed data faster by using tags, custom search, etc.
Working on the Cloud
Learn about the 3DEXPERIENCE Social Collaboration Services