Unique assistance for Human Resources
We can work directly with your Human Resources department to help your business assess new hires, provide new employees with SOLIDWORKS on-boarding; and advance the careers of your existing employees with certification.

Helping you hire the right people
Investing in new employees is always a risk; especially when their SOLIDWORKS skills are proven only after working with you for a few months. To ensure you hire the right people we can provide you with a custom skills assessment; that will test the SOLIDWORKS knowledge of potential employees allowing you to find the best candidate.

The Candidate Assessment Process
- We review the job requirements with you.
- Create a custom assessment that is tailored for the job.
- You can then assess the candidate with a combination of written questions and hands-on practical assignments to measure competency.
The Benefits
- Able to test your candidate in real-life working conditions prior to making an offer
- You can determine if a candidate possess the skills you need to carry out the SOLIDWORKS tasks unique to your job requirements.
- Understand what the training investment would be if you hired a specific candidate.
“Our employees see training as a commitment from us to help them execute in their jobs. Three things make up a business: tools, processes, and people. You can’t invest in tools and processes and forget to invest in people. It’s an important part of the triangle.”
— Dr. Fred Cotaras, Chief Technology Director for Maritime Systems, Ultra Electronics.
“My most recent experience with Javelin was through the Javelin online live training (JOLT). I’ve taken online training before and was somewhat skeptical, but this was different. The ability to talk to the instructor and hear other student’s questions and comments was terrific.”
— Kyle Swain, Mechanical Designer, Vemco.
Onboarding Personnel & Skills Improvement
Javelin can help you get new personnel up to speed quickly and improve the productivity of existing personnel with unique SOLIDWORKS training and assessment services:
Improve your onboarding process
Bringing new employees up to speed quickly with SOLIDWORKS while ensuring that your best practices are communicated effectively is a challenge for every business. Which is why we design custom onboarding programs for HR departments; which are tailored to the way your business works with SOLIDWORKS software.
Having effective onboarding training for your new employees will reduce the need for support from other team members; while helping to increase the adoption rate of company standards.
Improving existing processes
A Javelin assessor will investigate how your business currently uses SOLIDWORKS software and assess your team’s skills to determine where productivity can be dramatically increased. Following the assessment are one-on-one sessions with individual team members to update their techniques and provide targeted training identified from the assessment.
After training has been completed we meet with management to report our findings and results obtained from the one-on-one sessions. You will also receive a comprehensive report which contains recommendations to improve your business productivity; and suggestions for further education to develop your individual team members.

Government Funding & Grants
Another unique benefit of working with Javelin is our experience in helping customers obtain government funding and grants to pay for the development of your employees. We will assist you through the funding process, helping you to find the right program and complete the application.
There are many different Government funding programs available for skills and technology improvement; we can ensure that you don’t lose out on any funding opportunities.
With SOLIDWORKS Certification you can help advance the careers of your employees and also help to gain new business.
Certifying your SOLIDWORKS Users can be a valuable tool in increasing productivity, retaining key talent, and helping improve the quality of your company’s designs.
Gaining SOLIDWORKS Certification will help employees to develop their skills and advance their careers. Allowing you to provide a clear career path for your SOLIDWORKS users.
Javelin can provide the training that employees need to gain the skills for certification. Plus we can also help employees prepare for the exam with training and resources.
Helping employees to become proficient with SOLIDWORKS
With 19 certification programs to choose from, including industry specific designations, there is a certification program designed for your business.
SOLIDWORKS Certification Programs
Choose the certification program which is right for you. There are currently 19 certifications available, ranging from a knowledge of core SOLIDWORKS functionality to application specific tools like Sheet Metal or Weldments, and expertise with add-in products such as PDM, Simulation, MBD or Sustainablity:
SOLIDWORKS Design/Engineering Certification
- Mechanical Design (CSWE–Mechanical Design)
A Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert is someone who easily demonstrates the ability to utilize advanced functions and features to solve complex modeling challenges. SOLIDWORKS Training Courses » - Mechanical Design (CSWP–Mechanical Design)
A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional is an individual who has successfully passed our advanced skills examination. SOLIDWORKS Training Courses » - Mechanical Design Academic Version (CSWP–Academic) STUDENTS ONLY
Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional — Academic certification is intended for a student with a minimum of 1 to 2 years of SOLIDWORKS experience and advanced knowledge of engineering practices. SOLIDWORKS Training Courses » - Model-based Design (CSWP–MBD)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Model Based Design (CSWP–MBD) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to use SOLIDWORKS MBD functionality and tools. SOLIDWORKS MBD Training Course » - API (CSWP-API)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional API (CSWP-API) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to automate SOLIWORKS using VBA programming. SOLIDWORKS API Training Course » - Sheet Metal (CSWPA-SM)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Advanced Professional Sheet Metal (CSWPA-SM) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your capability to use SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal tools. SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal Training Course » - Weldments (CSWPA-WD)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Advanced Professional Weldments (CSWPA-WD) exam proves that you have successfully demonstrated your capability to use the SOLIDWORKS tools for Weldments. SOLIDWORKS Weldments Training Course » - Surfacing (CSWPA-SU)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Advanced Professional Surfacing (CSWPA-SU) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to use SOLIDWORKS Advanced Surfacing tools. SOLIDWORKS Surfacing Training Course » - Drawing Tools (CSWPA-DT)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Advanced Professional Drawing Tools (CSWPA-DT) exam proves that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to use the tools found in the SOLIDWORKS Drawing environment. SOLIDWORKS Drawings Training Course » - Mold Making (CSWPA-MM)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Advanced Professional Mold Making (CSWPA-MM) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to use SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools functionality with Mold Making Industry knowledge. SOLIDWORKS Mold Design Training Course » - Mechanical Design (CSWA–Mechanical Design)
As a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA), you will stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive job market. SOLIDWORKS Training Courses » - Electrical (CSWA-Electrical)
The Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate — Electrical (CSWA–E) certification shows that you have successfully demonstrated an understanding of the principles of SOLIDWORKS Electrical functionality and Electrical Engineering principles. SOLIDWORKS Electrical Training Courses » - Mechanical Design Academic Version (CSWA–Academic) STUDENTS ONLY
As a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate — Academic (CSWA - Academic), students will demonstrate their expertise with SOLIDWORKS 3D solid modeling software, design concepts, and sustainable design, giving them a competitive edge in today's job market. SOLIDWORKS Training Courses »
3DEXPERIENCE Design/Engineering Certification
Javelin provides a variety of 3DEXPERIENCE training courses to help you gain certification with the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform:
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Associate exam demonstrates an individual’s capability of basic mechanical design modeling functionality, as well as basic knowledge of collaborative and data management tools on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS® Associate Academic STUDENTS ONLY
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS® Associate exam (Students Only) demonstrates an individual’s capability of basic mechanical design modeling functionality, as well as basic knowledge of collaborative and data management tools on the 3DEXPERIENCE® Platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE- 3D Creator Professional
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – 3D Creator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the 3D Creator role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE- 3D Creator
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – 3D Creator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the 3D Creator role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE- 3D Sculptor
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – 3D Sculptor exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the 3D Sculptor role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE- 3D Structure Creator
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – 3D Structure Creator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the 3D Sculptor role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE- 3D SheetMetal Creator
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – 3D SheetMetal Creator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your basic knowledge of the browser-based sheet metal design Role. - 3DEXPERIENCE- 3D Mold Creator
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – 3D MoldCreator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the 3D Mold Creator role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
SOLIDWORKS & 3DEXPERIENCE Management/Collaboration Certification
- PDM Administrator Professional (CPAP)
A Certified PDM Administrator Professional (CPAP) is an individual who has successfully passed an advanced examination in SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional administration skills and is ready to manage a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional implementation on behalf of his or her company. SOLIDWORKS PDM Training Courses » - 3DEXPERIENCE – Collaborative Business Innovator
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – Collaborative Business Innovator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the Collaborative Business Innovator role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE – Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE - Lean Team Player
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE Works Lean Team Player exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the Lean Team Player role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. - 3DEXPERIENCE- Collaborative Industry Innovator
The completion of the 3DEXPERIENCE – Collaborative Industry Innovator exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the Collaborative Industry Innovator role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
SOLIDWORKS Manufacturing/Production Certification
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CAM (CSWP-CAM) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to use SOLIDWORKS CAM functionality and tools. SOLIDWORKS CAM Training Courses » - Additive Manufacturing (CSWA–Additive Manufacturing)
A Certified Additive Manufacturing Associate is someone who possesses the basic knowledge of today’s 3D printing market.
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Certification
Javelin provides a variety of SOLIDWORKS Simulation training courses to help you gain certification with the SOLIDWORKS Simulation software:
- CSWE–Simulation
The Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert — Simulation (CSWE–S) certification tests your mastery of all the analysis tools available in SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium. It demonstrates your ability to utilize advanced analysis tools in stress, contact, thermal, frequency, nonlinear, and dynamic studies. - CSWP–Simulation
The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional - Simulation (CSWP-Simulation) exam tests your understanding of SOLIDWORKS Simulation tools and simulation in general. - Flow Simulation (CSWP-Flow)
The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional – Flow Simulation (CSWP-Flow) exam tests your understanding of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation tools in the areas of liquids and gas, internal and external flows, substance mixing and conjugated heat transfer. - CSWA–Simulation
The Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate — Simulation (CSWA–Simulation) certification indicates a foundation in and apprentice knowledge of demonstrating an understanding in the principles of stress analysis and the Finite Element Method (FEM).. - Sustainability (CSWA–Sustainability)
The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Sustainability (CSWA–Sustainability) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the principles of environmental assessment and sustainable design.
Partner Programs
Explore the certificate programs offered by our SOLIDWORKS partners.
- DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification Program
The DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification is a free certification for all engineering and design professionals and students who have access to SOLIDWORKS. DriveWorksXpress is included with every seat of SOLIDWORKS. Becoming a DriveWorksXpress Associate gives you new skills to add to your résumé, opens doors in a competitive jobs market and differentiates you from your peers. - DriveWorks Solo
The DriveWorks Solo Training and Certification is a free certification for all engineering and design professionals and students who have access to SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks Solo. You can download DriveWorks Solo and use it free for 30 days. It will take your Design Automation skills and capabilities to the next level. As the need for automation and digital skills increases, DriveWorks Solo is a great way to build knowledge and establish your professional credentials. Learn more.
For Students/Schools
Students may take these exams for free, if their school is a SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider and on subscription. Minimum license requirements apply and vary per region.
The following certifications are available to students:
- CSWA - Academic Exam
- CSWA-Simulation
- CSWA–Sustainability
- CSWP - Academic Exam
- CSWP-Simulation
- CSWPA-Drawing Tools
- CSWPA-Mold Making
- CSWPA-Sheet Metal
- CSWPA-Surfacing
- CSWPA-Weldments
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