Training Course Contents
The SOLIDWORKS PCB course covers the essential tools required for developing a PCB design from logic schematics through to component placement and routing of traces on the board.
- Creating and managing harnesses.
- Creating and building Printed Circuit Boards.
- Managing data in SOLIDWORKS Electrical.
- Importing legacy data.
- Importing manufacturer parts data.
- ERP linking.
- Import and Export to Excel.
- Report query creation.
Course Info at a glance
Requirements & Benefits
Features Targeted
Skills you will acquire
The following lessons are included in the course
- Recommended system requirements
- Minimum system requirements
- Application collaboration
Lesson 2: User interface
- SOLIDWORKS PCB environment
- Ribbon menu system
- Quick access bar
- Start page
- Interface elements
- Document windows
- Panels
- Finding help
- Shortcuts
- System preferences
- Exercise 1: Create a project
- Create a new project
- Installing a library
Lesson 3: Schematics explained
- Creating good schematics
- Rules of good schematics
- Schematics should read left to right, top to bottom
- Ensure appropriate documents labeling
- Relate nets and signal group with distinct names
- Avoid 4-way ties
- Make use of design hierarchy
- Make liberal use of color and graphical annotations
- Use annotations and directives to stipulate design intent and constraints
- Use si units and measurements
- Use informative reference designators
- Be aware of special rules concerning power signals
- Decoupling capacitors placement
- Exercise 2: Schematic editor
- Symbol placement
- Schematic template
- Component placement
- Ports
- Symbol placement
- Exercise 3: Schematic connections
- Wiring the schematic
- Busses
- Nets and net labels
- Exercise 4: Annotation
- Annotate schematics
- Exercise 5: Compiling
- Project Compile and errors
Lesson 4: Collaboration
- Starting in SOLIDWORKS PCB
- Starting in SOLIDWORKS
- Exercise 6: Create a board shape in SOLIDWORKS
- Create board assembly
- Create an assembly
- Create board outline
- Commit changes
Lesson 5: The Printed Circuit Board PCB
- The Anatomy of a PCB
- Single-sided PCB
- Double-sided PCB
- Plated through holes (pth)
- Top and bottom solder masks
- Silkscreen layers
- Boards with more than two layers
- Blind and buried vias
- The PCB Manufacturing Process
- Visualizing the manufacturing process
- Double-sided PCBs
- Multi-layer PCBs
- 4-layer PCBs
- 6-layers and more
- PCB glossary of terms
Lesson 6: PCB editor
- Layers
- Physical layers and the layer stack manager
- Exercise 7: Stack configuration
Lesson 7: Board shape
- Board shape commands
- Exercise 8: Adding board shape cutouts
- Exercise 9: Origin and grids
- Origin
- Grid editing
- Cartesian grid settings
- Polar grid settings
- Exercise 10: Transfer logic design to PCB
- Eco generation options
- update PCB document from schematic editor
- update PCB document from PCB editor
- Exercise 11: Place footprints
- Placing components
- Component placement in 3D
- Position remaining components
- Exercise 12: Design rules
- Design rule for all clearance
- Design rule for component clearance
- Design rule for routing via style
- Design rule for routing width
- Creating a new width rule
- Priority setting
- Exercise 13: Routing
- Interactive routing preferences
- Interactive routing nets
- Quick routing for simple nets
- Adding vias
- Multi-trace routing
- Autorouter
- Theory – adjusting tracks
Lesson 8: Polygons
- Polygon overview
- Placing a polygon pour
- Defining polygon pour properties
- Properties
- Net options
- Mode-specific settings (solid)
- Mode-specific settings (hatched and outlines only)
- Defining the shape of the polygon
- Editing a polygon pour
- Changing properties
- Changing size and location
- Reshaping a polygon pour
- Pouring a polygon pour with a larger clearance
- Polygon pour cutouts
- Manual repouring
- Deleting a polygon pour
- The polygon pour manager
- Exercise 14: Design rule check
- Batch design rule check
- Exercise 15: Commit from SOLIDWORKS PCB
- Place mounting holes
- Exercise 16: Commit from SOLIDWORKS
- Update/import changes
- Modify mounting holes
- Exercise 17: Cutout
- Create board cutout in SOLIDWORKS
- Commit changes
- Creating a keepout from the board shape
- Exercise 18: Global editing
- Find similar objects
- PCB Inspector
Lesson 9: Working with the PCB panel
- Navigate using the PCB panel
- Browse mode selection list
- Browsing nets and net classes
- Browsing 3D models
Lesson 10: Outputs
- Manufacturing outputs
- Available output types
- Assembly outputs
- Documentation outputs
- Fabrication outputs
- Report outputs
- Individual outputs or managed output generation
- Configuring the gerber files
- Configuring the bill of materials
- Exercise 19: Export
- Export Parasolid
Lesson 11: Libraries
- Integrated libraries
- Including a 3D model in a footprint
- Exercise 20: Schematic symbol creation
- Create the schematic symbol for a crystal
- Creating a schematic library
- Naming the symbol
- Defining the pins
- Adding symbol body
- Using the symbol
- Installing the library
- Adding symbol to schematic
- Revising the symbol
- Making a change to the symbol
- Updating the schematic
- Create the schematic symbol for a crystal
- Exercise 21: PCB footprint creation
- 2D Crystal footprint
- Creating a PCB library
- Setting the grid
- Adding pads
- Setting component origin
- Adding top overlay outline
- Add pin 1 marker
- 3D Crystal body
- Use the footprint
- Installing the footprint library
- Adding crystal footprint to PCB document
- 2D Crystal footprint
Training Methods
Choose from three different training methods available to you

Group/Public Training
Receive SOLIDWORKS training as a group in a traditional classroom environment.
Classes can be taken in one of our 12 training locations across Canada using SOLIDWORKS approved training content and methodologies.
- Cost effective training method.
- Leave the office to concentrate on learning.
- Learn more through group questions and feedback.

Live Online Training
With our online training you will experience an interactive learning environment where you can give feedback, gain access to the SOLIDWORKS training files and get time to work on training exercises.
- Online courses are typically half day sessions.
- More effective than video based training, with recorded videos learners are often not as focused on the training and skip exercises.

Onsite at your location
Receive training at your place of work. This style of flexible training is perfect for teams or individuals who are faced with a specific challenge and require personalized courses with on-the-job coaching.
- Use our state-of-the-art mobile classroom at your facility.
- Bring your team up to a consistent level of knowledge by having them take the same training at the same time.
- Benefit from flexible scheduling options.
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