SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing is a new licensing option that lowers the upfront cost of SOLIDWORKS software and allows for more flexible deployment options for start-ups, makers, consultants, contractors and businesses of any size.
Term Licensing is essentially renting a SOLIDWORKS License for a three month or 1 year term rather than purchasing a perpetual license which you own.
Get 50% off a second year when you purchase a SOLIDWORKS term license
ACT NOW, this special offer ends June 30, 2023.
What is SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing?
Term Licensing is for individuals and companies that want access to SOLIDWORKS best-in-class design solutions with lower upfront costs compared to traditional perpetual licensing.
With a term license you can use SOLIDWORKS products with a quarterly subscription. A term license gives SOLIDWORKS users access to a variety of SOLIDWORKS applications with the same full version as a perpetual license — but with a flexible and affordable approach that’s easy on a software budget and easy to manage.
SOLIDWORKS Term Licenses are ideal for companies that need to maximize their cash flow, this could include the following:
- Licenses are required for short term projects or for the specific phase of a project where specific software such as simulation is needed to validate a design.
- Licenses are to meet staffing requirements such as contract staff or intern that require SOLIDWORKS for a short time period.
- A new division or project has been initiated and cash-flow is a concern.
- A start-up/new business requires SOLIDWORKS software at the minimum cost to get started.

Term Licensing Options
Choose between a 3 Month or 1 Year term for renting a SOLIDWORKS Software License.
*Includes SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service
SOLIDWORKS Applications available for a Term:
- SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software
- SOLIDWORKS Communication Tools
- SOLIDWORKS Electrical software
- SOLIDWORKS Simulation software
- SOLIDWORKS Plastics software
- SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation software
Mix & Match SOLIDWORKS Term Licenses with Perpetual Licenses
A Term License offers more flexibility allowing you to mix and match SOLIDWORKS Add-in products with your existing SOLIDWORKS perpetual (full) license. For instance you could add SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation for a 3 month term to your existing SOLIDWORKS Premium perpetual license.
Benefits of a SOLIDWORKS Term License
Renting SOLIDWORKS software can provide your company with many benefits:

Lower Upfront Cost
Start-ups, makers, individuals and small business often have cash flow constraints.
SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing allows companies to design new products with the world’s most widely used CAD software without the traditionally higher upfront costs of perpetual licenses.

From year-to-year, your software budgets can change drastically.
SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing can increase budget flexibility as you can spread the cost of your CAD software over multiple years and calculate exactly how much you will pay.

Flexibility & Scalability
Companies have fluctuating workforces with turnover and temporary employees or interns. Having the right tools for everybody can be challenging.
With SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing, companies can purchase explicit numbers of seats based on their needs. They can also choose term lengths that match their product or project schedules.
SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing FAQs
Get answers to frequently asked questions
What are the minimum and maximum length Term licenses available?
SOLIDWORKS Term License products are available for a 3-month or 1-year term.
Is a 1-month SOLIDWORKS Term License available?
No, the minimum length for a SOLIDWORKS Term License is 3-months.
Do SOLIDWORKS Term Licenses include a Grace Period?
Yes. Since customers are paying for the right to use SOLIDWORKS products for a specific amount of time, a grace period will be added to the expiration date of SOLIDWORKS Term Licenses to allow customers sufficient time to install their products and resolve any installation or licensing issues.
If I own a Perpetual License can I also add a Term License?
Yes. For instance if you have a SOLIDWORKS Premium license and wanted to add SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium for a 3-month period a term license could be purchased.
How many machines can be activated with a Term License?
A Term License may only be active on one machine. To move your software from your current computer to a new computer, you will have to use the license transfer functionality inside SOLIDWORKS (Help > Transfer License).
Can a Term License asset be transferred from one machine to another?
Yes. The transfer process is similar to Perpetual assets.
How are SOLIDWORKS Term License products installed?
SOLIDWORKS Term License products are installed like any other SOLIDWORKS standalone products. Customers need to run the SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager and enter their Serial Number(s).
During the activation process, Term License products will only be activated for the length of the term license (3 months or 1 year + the appropriate grace period for initial purchase).
Do Term License products require internet access during the entire term commitment period or just during activation?
Term License products only need internet access during the activation process. If a Term License product is installed on a computer that has no internet access, SOLIDWORKS can be activated by emailing the request file. This is similar to Perpetual licenses.
What services and level of support do SOLIDWORKS Term License customers get access to?
SOLIDWORKS Term License customers have access to the same benefits and services as SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service customers: Technical support, knowledge base, software upgrades and enhancements, customer portal and My.SolidWorks.
But please note: these benefits are applicable only for the length of the term license and if customers want uninterrupted support, they only need to renew (or repurchase) their term license.
Does a SOLIDWORKS term license include access to and if so, what version of My.SolidWorks is included?
Yes, SOLIDWORKS CAD Term License customers have access to My.SolidWorks Professional with one user per term license asset. All other Term License customers get access to My.SolidWorks Standard.
Can customers using SOLIDWORKS Term License products collaborate with colleagues or customers using traditional Perpetual Licenses?
Yes. SOLIDWORKS Term License products are no different than their traditional perpetual license counterparts – the only exception being that the activation has an end date. Therefore all file formats are compatible and a company can use a mix of SOLIDWORKS Perpetual and SOLIDWORKS Term License products.
Are Customers entitled to SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard, SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard with a Term License of SOLIDWORKS Professional or Premium?
Yes. SOLIDWORKS Term License customers enjoy the same benefits as SOLIDWORKS perpetual license customers, meaning SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard, SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard will be included with SOLIDWORKS Professional or SOLIDWORKS Premium Term Licenses. And in those instances, all products – SOLIDWORKS, Visualize Standard, PDM Standard and CAM Standard will all have the same expiration date.
Can I run a SOLIDWORKS Perpetual License Add-in product with a Term License of SOLIDWORKS?
Yes. You can run a perpetual license of an add-in with a Term License of SOLIDWORKS CAD as long as the term license of SOLIDWORKS is not expired and the add-in is licensed independently of SOLIDWORKS CAD or SOLIDWORKS Simulation.
For example, you can run a perpetual license of SOLIDWORKS Plastics with a Term License of SOLIDWORKS CAD. Similarly, you can run a Term License of SOLIDWORKS Simulation with a perpetual license of SOLIDWORKS CAD. However, you cannot run a perpetual license of SOLIDWORKS Routing (Premium Add-in) with a Term License of SOLIDWORKS Standard.
Can a customer use SOLIDWORKS Standard on Term License if their company has an existing SOLIDWORKS PDM setup?
Are SOLIDWORKS Term Licenses available for Education, Research, or Global Licenses?
No. Currently EDU, Research, and Global Licenses are not available with Term Licensing.
Is Term Licensing available to both new and existing SOLIDWORKS customers?
Yes. SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing is available to all new and existing SOLIDWORKS customers.
Are SOLIDWORKS Term License products available for a Network License?
No. SOLIDWORKS Term Licensing products are only available as single-user licenses.
Is Subscription Service optional with Term Licensing?
No, Term License products include subscription.
Is Term Licensing Service Pack specific?
Can a customer without active Subscription Service for a Perpetual license, order a Term License?
Can Term License customers update to the next major version when available?
Yes. Term License customers are considered on subscription and have access to the same benefits and support as Perpetual License customers on subscription.
Can I renew my Term License by myself or do I need to contact Javelin?
Customers need to contact us to renew their Term License assets.
When can I renew a Term License product?
A customer can renew a Term License product at any time. The additional Term commitment period is added to the existing product End Date.
How many times can a Term License be renewed?
A Term License can be renewed indefinitely.
Is the Expiration or End Date calculated from the day the software is purchased, installed or activated?
The End Date is calculated based on the day the Purchase Order (PO) is placed in the system.
SOLIDWORKS Services included
Improve your performance and productivity with Javelin services

Technical Support
With SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service, you have access to extensive help from our SOLIDWORKS experts. Which will enhance your software investment and guide you through development challenges.
- Live Technical Support from our certified support team.
- Remote Support to solve your technical issue right on your machine.
- Regular Communication of software updates and technical tips and tricks.

Upgrades & Resources
Enjoy the latest version of your software and direct access to a comprehensive library of drawings, parts, assemblies, and features contributed by users around the globe.
- Automatic Upgrades to the most Up-to-date Version of your SOLIDWORKS software.
- FREE access to the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal for Macros, Documentation, and the ability to submit Enhancement Requests.
- Full access to the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base for Articles, Tech Tips, and Best Practices.

Online Training & Certification
A SolidProfessor and a MySolidWorks online account is included with your subscription service where you can get answers, stay current, and sharpen your design skills with online training:
- SolidProfessor includes 15K+ online tutorial videos.
- FREE access to SOLIDWORKS testing and certification to help you become a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) or Professional (CSWP).
Find out the Cost
Get Canadian pricing for SOLIDWORKS software