Collaborative Industry Innovator 3DEXPERIENCE Role provides engineering teams an essential set of apps for real-time, secure and structured collaboration on product content. Industry Innovation provides a scalable, online environment for managing product design, multi physics simulation and manufacturing process planning with maximum traceability and flexibility. Industry Innovation extends and supports compliance to standard enterprise business processes (Change, Project, Quality, etc.) when relevant Roles are added, connecting the entire industry value chain.
Collaborative Industry Innovator provides apps and services that connect all users in the industry value chain together – to organize, manage and collaborate on content in real-time and in a secured manner. The role includes a single repository to store, share and manage content, search and find relevant data and information, navigate through a product data set, easily view and compare 3D content.
Insight through data-driven design
Collaborative Industry Innovator role is based upon a common data model for design/engineering, manufacturing/production and simulation processes. Its online environment helps medium to large companies bring more innovative products to market faster.
When used for 3DEXPERIENCE® CATIA® and XCAD, Industry Innovation is the only technology in the market that supports “data-driven design.”
Simulation Foundation acts as a dashboard for all users to find, monitor or resume any of the simulations they’ve been recently working on.
Distributed team members can share any content in a very simplified way using the 3DSpace app.

The 3DSpace app enables users to create and manage collaborative spaces, add members with different right levels, and provide direct access to any stored content including CATIA®, SOLIDWORKS®, DELMIA®, SIMULIA®, ENOVIA® and multi-CAD content. Access to collaborative spaces is secure, as each user is granted access as a member of a collaborative space with a given role for a given organization. Key features include:
- Enable efficient team collaboration through secured concurrent access to data and lifecycle management.
- One single source of truth for all your product content including multi CAD design data.
- Enable hybrid data and model-based driven engineering as enabler of end to end digital continuity.
- Natural support of collaborative 3D validation scenario in a hybrid CAD environment.
- Easily organize, optimize, access and execute work through tasks.
- Access and start navigate product digital mock-ups of large designs from any device.
- Compliance to standard enterprise business processes (Change, Project, Quality)
- Provides mobility and security via the Cloud.
Determine the impact of design modifications
With Industry Innovation, users can navigate the entire product structure in 3D regardless of size. Users can filter the product structure based on diverse criteria to find the needed parts quickly. The used criteria for filtering can be saved for reuse. Owing to the common data model and data-driven architecture, users can identify dependencies inside one domain and between domains. They can navigate between design components and related items such as other designs, simulations, drawings, manufacturing processes, functional and logical views. Better decision-making occurs when a user can determine the impact of design modifications.
Easily access 3D content
Industry Innovation uses the 3D index for both 3D representations and product structure navigation. This enables fast loading of a lightweight 3D session for extremely large products. In addition, from the 3D of the root node, users are able to access any component down to the leaf node without needing to navigate the structure. The 3D index provides the benefit of fast 3D navigation while still making it possible to deliver accurate information from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Collaborative Industry Innovator Benefits
Services that connect all users in the industry value chain together

Multi-CAD Data Management
Collaborative Industry Innovator in conjunction with 3D Component Designer manages content created with MCAD applications including CATIA V5, SOLIDWORKS, NX, Creo Parametric, AutoCAD, Solid Edge and Autodesk Inventor as well as ECAD applications from Cadence Allegro, Mentor Graphics and Zuken.

Manage Content Collaboratively
Collaborative Industry Innovator provides services to manage content lifecycle in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform supporting structured and global product development process. The service includes the ability to create, modify, open, save, duplicate, create iterations and versions, lock/unlock, and delete content among others.

Promote Content Reuse
Unstructured classification can be done with “user defined” tags. Content can also be classified in libraries using an appropriate taxonomy. With each of these approaches, users can access design components for reuse.

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides a Safe, Social, Connected, Informed and Structured environment for team leaders, project managers and other professionals who want to manage data on the cloud and collaborate without constraints.
Safe: Customer controlled access. Transparent cloud backup. Encrypted communication protocols. Data always safe—no overwrite, no loss of data.
Social: Integrated structured and unstructured collaboration tools enabling social innovation. Collaborate on product design or engage with your stakeholders early in product development.
Connected: Every user always connected to a single, common database. Access data anywhere, anytime, on any device. Review and markup models.
Informed: Choose from the widget library, Create and share Dashboards. Get the latest information about your product development. Always have access to your latest data.
Structured: Zero overhead data management - store and manage data across collaborative spaces, share information in communities. Find indexed data faster by using tags, custom search, etc.
SOLIDWORKS Services included
Improve your performance and productivity with Javelin services

Technical Support
With SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service, you have access to extensive help from our SOLIDWORKS experts. Which will enhance your software investment and guide you through development challenges.
- Live Technical Support from our certified support team.
- Remote Support to solve your technical issue right on your machine.
- Regular Communication of software updates and technical tips and tricks.

Upgrades & Resources
Enjoy the latest version of your software and direct access to a comprehensive library of drawings, parts, assemblies, and features contributed by users around the globe.
- Automatic Upgrades to the most Up-to-date Version of your SOLIDWORKS software.
- FREE access to the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal for Macros, Documentation, and the ability to submit Enhancement Requests.
- Full access to the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base for Articles, Tech Tips, and Best Practices.

Online Training & Certification
A SolidProfessor and a MySolidWorks online account is included with your subscription service where you can get answers, stay current, and sharpen your design skills with online training:
- SolidProfessor includes 15K+ online tutorial videos.
- FREE access to SOLIDWORKS testing and certification to help you become a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) or Professional (CSWP).
Working on the Cloud
Learn about the 3DEXPERIENCE Social Collaboration Services