Tackle the tough challenges of designing efficient cooling systems
The HVAC Applications Module extends the functionality of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation software to provide industry specific tools and methodologies that deliver unrivaled ease of use, power, and productivity for modeling complex heating, ventilation, and cooling systems.
Test & optimize the thermal performance of HVAC systems
The complete HVAC simulation tool
The HVAC Applications Module for SOLIDWORKS® Flow Simulation enables designers and engineers to quickly and accurately model complex systems for thermal and fluid-flow analysis.
The module evaluates air and gas movement in working and living environments, as well as thermal radiation, offering advanced radiation modeling, comfort parameters calculation, analysis of admixture (tracer) in a carrier fluid flow, and an enlarged database of materials and fans:
- Airflow Optimization – Managing airflow within a large-scale environment ensures that the optimum temperature is maintained for the largest number of people.
- Product Thermal Design – The HVAC Applications Module simulates airflow in the environment and products used in the environment so you can now analyze products considering real-world behaviors.
- Human Comfort Factors – The effectiveness of environmental control is measured by eight human comfort factors that evaluate both the reaction of people and the environment.
- Tracer Study – Analyze the flow of an admixture in an existing carrier fluid to evaluate the effectiveness of a ventilation system in removing contaminant.
Industry Specific Tools
Industry-specific tools in the HVAC Applications Module for SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation give engineers dedicated CFd tools for fluid-flow simulation that are easy to use while providing exceptional simulation power:
- Advanced Radiation modeling –Thermal radiation can have a major effect on cooling requirements. Semitransparent materials (defined as absorptive solid material) are commonly used in the lighting industry and the building industry (glass). Understanding the impact of material choices requires sophisticated radiation modeling that’s included in the HVAC Applications Module.
- Comfort parameters – “Predicted mean vote” (PMV) and “Predicted percent dissatisfied” (PPd) are the two main comfort parameters out of eight calculated by the HVAC Applications Module. These parameters identify where there are problems in thermal comfort level, so you can resolve them before the cooling system is built.
- Tracer Study – When an admixture substance (such as a contaminant) diffuses in a carrier fluid, you can evaluate the mass fraction of the substance as well as the local Air Quality index (lAQi) and Contaminant removal Effectiveness (CrE) parameters to determine the effectiveness of the ventilation system.
- Engineering database – An enhanced engineering database includes a wide range of building materials and fans so you can do thermal analysis quickly and efficiently.
Additional Benefits
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation also includes:

Thermal Analysis
Understand and evaluate thermal comfort levels for multiple environments using thermal comfort factor analysis with SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation and the HVAC Application Module.

Fluid Flow Analysis
Determine the impact of a liquid or gas on product performance during the design phase using CAD-embedded SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation. Fluid Flow analysis can provide meaningful insight into the impact of fluid flow, so you can address problems early, reduce the need for costly prototypes, and eliminate rework.

CFD Analysis
CFD simulates fluid (gas in this instance) passing through or around an object. The analysis can be very complex—for example, containing in one calculation heat transfer, mixing, and unsteady and compressible flows.
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Training
Training to help you get started with CFD analysis
SOLIDWORKS Services included
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Technical Support
With SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service, you have access to extensive help from our SOLIDWORKS experts. Which will enhance your software investment and guide you through development challenges.
- Live Technical Support from our certified support team.
- Remote Support to solve your technical issue right on your machine.
- Regular Communication of software updates and technical tips and tricks.

Upgrades & Resources
Enjoy the latest version of your software and direct access to a comprehensive library of drawings, parts, assemblies, and features contributed by users around the globe.
- Automatic Upgrades to the most Up-to-date Version of your SOLIDWORKS software.
- FREE access to the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal for Macros, Documentation, and the ability to submit Enhancement Requests.
- Full access to the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base for Articles, Tech Tips, and Best Practices.

Online Training & Certification
A SolidProfessor and a MySolidWorks online account is included with your subscription service where you can get answers, stay current, and sharpen your design skills with online training:
- SolidProfessor includes 15K+ online tutorial videos.
- FREE access to SOLIDWORKS testing and certification to help you become a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) or Professional (CSWP).
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