SOLIDWORKS Professional 2022
With more core power and performance, and new capabilities for emerging technologies, it’s never been easier to design with SOLIDWORKS®; the 3D CAD solution chosen by more than 3.1 million users worldwide.
Discover what's new:
Builds on the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Standard to increase design productivity, with file management tools, advanced photorealistic rendering, automated cost estimation, design checking, and a parts library.

All the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Standard software plus:
File Management
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard helps individuals and small workgroups manage project data, control their design revisions, and control access to files, accelerating the design process and increasing productivity.
Manufacturing Cost Estimation & Quoting
SOLIDWORKS Costing saves time and development costs, avoid redesigns, and increase productivity by continuously checking your designs against cost targets with integrated cost estimation tools.
On-line Cost Estimates via the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network. Get instant cost estimates from any manufacturer in the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network.
ECAD/MCAD Data Sharing
Share data between electrical CAD (ECAD) and mechanical CAD (MCAD) designers using the CircuitWorks™ tool
Standards Checking
SOLIDWORKS Design Checker allows you to establish design standards and easily check drawings (or models) to create uniform designs and related documentation, which speeds up product development, saves time, and increases productivity.
Design Collaboration
Use powerful eDrawings® Professional software to increase collaboration, accelerate your design process, and increase productivity by easily viewing and sharing SOLIDWORKS 3D models and 2D drawings in an email-ready format.
Task Scheduling
SOLIDWORKS Task Scheduler, a software utility included with SOLIDWORKS Professional puts your system to work while you're away. It lets you run resource intensive processes (such as batch importing, exporting, and printing) when the computer is normally idle, freeing you to focus on more creative projects.
CAD Library
SOLIDWORKS Toolbox provides libraries of prebuilt 3D CAD models and other CAD data that help accelerate the design process, save time and development costs, and increase productivity.
Tolerance Analysis
Quickly and easily check dimensions and tolerances using SOLIDWORKS Professional TolAnalyst software to assess the manufacturability of your design long before reaching production. Check parts and assembly tolerances during design, accelerating the design process, saving time and development costs, and increasing productivity.
Advanced Photorealistic Rendering
SOLIDWORKS® Visualize Standard enables designers, engineers, and content creators across all industries to create compelling visual content of their designs with unparalleled ease and flexibility. By utilizing photo-quality content early in the design process, more informed design decisions can be made, as well as receiving useful early feedback from sales teams and potential customers.
Reverse Engineering
Streamline the design process using SOLIDWORKS ScanTo3D to create new designs—or recreate existing designs—based on ones that already exist. Reverse engineering can accelerate product development and reduce risk, save time, and increase productivity.
Design for Manufacturability
Check your design and verify manufacturability of your product early in the development process using SOLIDWORKS Professional, saving time and development costs, improving productivity, and accelerating your time-to-market.
SOLIDWORKS Professional Case Studies
Click on the images below to learn how designers use SOLIDWORKS
Breaker Technology uses SOLIDWORKS to help manufacture Rock Breakers
SOLIDWORKS Professional Features & Benefits
All the productivity tools you need are included with the Professional version
CAD Library
SOLIDWORKS provides the following CAD libraries and functionality:
- Over one million pre-built, standard machine components, such as screws, nuts, washers, and pins are included with SOLIDWORKS Toolbox
- Millions of 3D CAD models and other CAD data online directly from certified suppliers and other CAD users at 3D
- Libraries for sheet metal forming tools including ribs, flanges, lances, louvers, and embossed shapes
- Libraries for sheet metal punch tools, including tombstone, T-slot, star, triangles, D-cutouts, and many others
- Libraries for detailing drawings including annotations, symbols, and blocks

Tolerance Analysis Overview
SOLIDWORKS Professional includes TolAnalyst™ tolerance analysis tool that automatically checks the effects of tolerances on parts and assemblies to ensure consistent fit of components and to verify tolerancing schemes before the product goes into production.
TolAnalyst provides automated tolerance analysis studies to:
- Assess min/max tolerances
- Perform root-sum-squared (RSS) tolerance analysis
- List contributing features and tolerances categorized by percent impact
File Management
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard provides CAD file management for individual users and small workgroups to manage project data, control design revisions, and control access to files. Features include:
- SOLIDWORKS file vaulting
- Secure Check-in and Check-out of files
- User and Group access rights
- Automated revision control

Standards Checking
Use SOLIDWORKS to establish design standards, and then check drawings (or models) against them as you design to ensure consistent and complete drawing outputs. tools include:
- Verify designs against company standards
- Automatically correct nonconforming design and drafting issues
- Build Checks—Set up and save specific design and drafting checks
- Check specifically for fonts, dimension arrows, units, and other documentation details
- Compare your drawing to past results from reviews of other drawings
SOLIDWORKS Services included
Improve your performance and productivity with Javelin services

Technical Support
With SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service, you have access to extensive help from our SOLIDWORKS experts. Which will enhance your software investment and guide you through development challenges.
- Live Technical Support from our certified support team.
- Remote Support to solve your technical issue right on your machine.
- Regular Communication of software updates and technical tips and tricks.

Upgrades & Resources
Enjoy the latest version of your software and direct access to a comprehensive library of drawings, parts, assemblies, and features contributed by users around the globe.
- Automatic Upgrades to the most Up-to-date Version of your SOLIDWORKS software.
- FREE access to the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal for Macros, Documentation, and the ability to submit Enhancement Requests.
- Full access to the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base for Articles, Tech Tips, and Best Practices.

Online Training & Certification
A SolidProfessor and a MySolidWorks online account is included with your subscription service where you can get answers, stay current, and sharpen your design skills with online training:
- SolidProfessor includes 15K+ online tutorial videos.
- FREE access to SOLIDWORKS testing and certification to help you become a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) or Professional (CSWP).
Find out the Cost
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