Compressor 3D Model

This Compressor 3D model was captured with an Artec 3D Scanner.

A rotating platform was what made scanning this car compressor a quick and easy job: the entire scan was completed in 40 minutes. One thing that was tricky in this scan was the compressor’s holes. Optical scanners can do many things, but scanning what they can’t see is impossible — in this case, scanning deep holes.

What the Artec Spider did instead was to capture the edges of these holes. They were then reconstructed with plenty of detail, which resulted in outstanding completed work.  Have a closer look at the model above and you’ll see what we mean!

Everything from scanning to processing was done within 110 minutes.

3D Model Captured With:

Artec Space Spider

Artec Space Spider

Artec Space Spider is a hand-held 3D scanner designed specifically for CAD users and perfect for reverse engineering, product design, quality control and mass production.

Together with Artec Studio software, it is a powerful, desktop tool for designers, engineers and inventors of every kind.

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